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Hosta Valleys Lemon Limbo forms a small to medium clump, reaching a height of 30cm-36cm with a spread of up to 50cm at maturity. In spring, its leaves emerge as a bright yellow with rippled margins and are supported by dark red petioles. Throughout the summer, the leaves transition to a greener and shinier appearance while the undersides remain bright white. This variety is one of the esteemed Valley Hostas bred by Jeroen Linneman. During early summer, pale purple flowers on 75cm red scapes rise above the yellow foliage, creating a striking display. The combination of yellow leaves, wavy margins, bright white undersides, and dark purple petioles contributes to the elegance and appeal of this Hosta variety.

Hosta Valleys Lemon Limbo

  • All our  Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page. 


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