Hosta Sagae forms an impressive vase-shaped mound, reaching approximately 75-80 cm in height and spreading up to 150 cm at maturity. The plant features large, thick, wavy, widely oval leaves that are frosted blue green, gradually turning grey green, with broad, irregular yellow margins. Initially bright yellow, the margins transition to creamy white as the season progresses, with celadon streaks appearing between the centre and the margin. In summer, racemes of funnel-shaped lavender flowers bloom profusely on scapes that rise well above the foliage mound, reaching up to 125 cm. Although it is slow to establish initially, this spectacular Hosta eventually becomes a remarkable specimen, adding significant form and colour to shaded areas. It exhibits good sun tolerance and strong resistance to slugs. Hosta Sagae was named the American Hosta Growers Association Hosta of the Year in 2000, and has received recognition from the American Hosta Society with the Distinguished Merit Hosta award 2008, and has received recognition from the American Hosta Society with the Distinguished Merit Hosta award 2010, and received the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Hosta Sagae
All our Online Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page.
Hosta Minke