Hosta Nippers will develop into a mound ranging from 20cm to 30cm in height, with a maximum spread of up to 36cm at full maturity. It forms a robust cluster of dark green, corrugated foliage. The nearly round leaves create a dense, appealing mound and are positioned on the petiole akin to an outstretched hand. These shiny, round, highly corrugated, slightly cupped leaves are held upright in an architectural manner, typically extending at a 90-degree angle from the stem and parallel to the ground. The plant produces attractive pink to near-pink bell-shaped flowers on 30cm scapes during July and August. Additionally, it is fertile and adept at passing along its desirable traits, including round leaves. Hosta Nippers is resistant to slugs and tolerant of sunlight.
Hosta Nippers
All our Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page.