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Hosta Hydon Sunset will form a dense, small to medium mound of 6"-10" with a spread of up to 24", at maturity. It consists of heart-shaped wavy leaves of golden to chartreuse. Leaves emerge bright gold and turn chartreuse as the season progresses, giving a yellow carpet of colour to a light shade part of the garden. A vigorous Hosta, that is perfect for the front of the Hosta garden. Deep purple flowers in abundance look nice above the gold foliageon 20" tall scapes. Good growth rate and small habit make it good for the border of the garden. The floral show! An older cultivar, less frequently grown in gardens today, but provides such a show of colour with the purple flowers in profusion, above the gold carpet. Stunning. Sadly neither slug resistant nor sun tolerant.

Hosta Hydon Sunset

  • All our Online Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page. 


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