Hosta Frances Williams forms a substantial mound measuring 60cm-70cm in height, with a spread of up to 100cm at maturity. It is one of the most renowned Hostas ever introduced. Hosta sieboldiana Frances Williams features large, variegated leaves that are thick, puckered, strongly veined, and broadly heart shaped. The blue-green leaves, which can reach up to 30cm in length, are widely and irregularly margined with greenish yellow, maturing to a creamy-beige hue. In early to mid-summer, near-white to pale lavender funnel-shaped blooms appear on tall scapes reaching 80cm in height. While the flowers add appeal, the primary attraction of this Hosta lies in its exquisite foliage. Although it takes some time to establish, this magnificent Hosta looks as impressive in containers as it does in garden borders. The substantial foliage offers significant resistance to slugs and demonstrates tolerance to sun exposure.
Hosta Frances Williams
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