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Do Hostas like water?In order to grow well and perform at their best, hostas prefer fertile, average moist soil, but not waterlogged areas; so, watering your hostas is definitely something that is recommended (around 1 inch a week). Without proper moisture, your hostas won’t thrive the way you expect them to. In addition, you should strongly consider mulching as it helps in maintaining the ideal moist environment.
Do Hostas like shade?They do. Hostas are shade-loving perennials, and several varieties grow best in adequate shade. However, that doesn’t imply that they shouldn’t be exposed to sunlight at all; several hosta varieties perform their best when grown in spots that are exposed to low to moderate sunlight.
Do Hostas self seed?Yes, hostas are capable of self-seeding, provided the right environment exists. However, not all hosta cultivars are fertile. Some of them may not produce viable seeds. Also, the resulting hostas may or may not end up resembling the parent plant.
What is best time of the year to plant Hostas?The general consensus is that it is best to plant Hostas in the Spring. However as long as the soil is not frozen or covered in snow, you can plant Hostas. Planting early Autumn while the soil is still warm, will give the Hostas a good start to establish a good root system for overwintering. Which will help produce an early start in the spring. We find often planting in early Autumn bring better results.
What do I do with my Hostas over winter?During Winter Hostas will have entered their dormancy period and the leaves will have completely died back. Really you don't need to do anything with your Hostas over the Winter months. They are completely hardy and do not need to be moved or frost protecting. Some people move pots under trees or close to the house for a little protection. You should remove all dead leaves and keep the top of the pots clean. This will help keep slugs at bay as they may lay their eggs in dead vegetation . Clean pots will let birds eat any slugs or eggs it will also prevent any fungus that can effect spring growth.
In what size pots do you do you grow your Hostas for Sale?Our standard Hostas are grown in 6- 8 inch pots.(except miniatures) However, we dispatch all our Hostas bareroot. All the soil is washed off giving us the chance to check the health of the plant before we send them out to our customers.
What causes holes in Hosta leaves?Holes in your Hosta plants are most likely caused by slugs and/or snails. They are some of the most common hosta pests. Control measures include beer and other organic-based baits. Or regular treatment with Garlic Spray
From where do Hostas originate?The origin of hosta can be traced to northeast Asia: eastern China, Korea and Japan. Hosta has about 40 species, out of which about 30 originated in Japan alone.
What happens to Hostas in Autumn?At the beginning of Autumn Hostas start to look a little poorly, brown marks start to appear on the edges of the leaves and colours start to fade. Many blue Hostas may turn green and look like completely different.All of these things are completely normal and are all part of the winter dormancy process. As the nights draw in and the temperature drops you will notice the leaves will turn yellow. This is part of the Hosta life cycle and completely normal.
Can you grow Hostas in a sunny position?Hostas in general are shade loving plants, and should not be grown in full sun, particularly between 11-2pm. However there are few exceptions that will tolerate the sun more than others.Early morning and late afternoon sun is generally beneficial.
Are Hostas Annuals or Perennials?Hostas are perennials. They remain dormant during the winter and come up with fresh shoots in the spring. Once your Hostas start to die down naturally in the fall, cut back on the foliage and apply a few layers of mulch around your Hostas, this will energise your plants and allow them to come up with exciting new shoots when spring arrives.
Should Hostas be cut back in the Autumn?While you can cut back your hostas in winter or early spring, before they produce new shoots, it is highly recommended that you cut back your hostas in autumn; particularly if your garden is infested with slugs. Uncut wet foliage provides slugs with the right environment to sustain through the winter.
Do Hostas need special compost?No, any peat free compost will do. If you have your own compost you can mix it with any proprietary compost. For most of the season we use our own compost mixed with leaf mould. Any organic matter will do they are not fussy plants.
How should I plant my Hostas?For a bare root plant, first, you will need to soak it in water for at least an hour. Keep it soaked if you aren’t going to transplant it immediately. Gently untangle the roots with your fingers and then transplant the hosta into a hole in your border. Fill the hole loosely with soil. Ensure that the crown stays above the ground. Water immediately and thoroughly. Adding an additional layer of mulch on top is a good idea.The same applies if you are going to plant in a container.
Can Hostas be grow in Pots?Hostas can be grown in pots. The container size should be selected keeping in mind the mature size of your hosta plant. Ensure that the container has at least one drainage hole, if not more. Adding a layer of crocks at the bottom of the container can be a good idea as it assists in drainage. You can create wonderful displays with pot grown Hostas.
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